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Your search has returned 1079 results. Clicking on a picture will display a larger version with more information.

King's Canyon from the bottom of the gorge
Watarrka, Australia
Kathleen Springs
Watarrka, Australia
A shop window in Wellington called 'bugadifino'
Wellington, New Zealand
Wellington city centre
Wellington, New Zealand
A wind generator
Wellington, New Zealand
Otaki Forks
Wellington, New Zealand
West Coast South Island, New Zealand
Fox Glacier
West Coast South Island, New Zealand
Franz Josef Glacier
West Coast South Island, New Zealand
Steps cut into the face of Franz Josef Glacier
West Coast South Island, New Zealand
The pancake rocks at Punakaiki
West Coast South Island, New Zealand
The pancake rocks at Punakaiki
West Coast South Island, New Zealand
Whangarei from Parakaki
Whangarei, New Zealand
The view through Zed's windscreen as Mark drives through deep water
Whangarei, New Zealand
Zeke 'on the hard' in Whangarei
Whangarei, New Zealand
Zeke 'on the hard' in Whangarei
Whangarei, New Zealand
A water buffalo
Wild Mood Swings, Indonesia
Dave, Karen, Lumpy Dog and a big miner
World's End, Australia
World's End
World's End, Australia
A gamelan archestra in Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The Ramayana being performed in Yogya
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Ravana and sidekick taunting the monkey god, Hanuman
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
The Sultan's Palace
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
A mural in the Sultan's Palace
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Batik being made
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
A bean growing anti-clockwise round a pole
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Threshing the rice
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Bricks drying in the sun
Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Rice stalks
Yogyakarta, Indonesia