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Ghana: A Change of Heart

I'd been really hoping that a Christmas break in Kokrobite would recharge my physical and mental batteries, which would in turn unearth the travelling spark that I've always had on my previous trips. What I didn't realise is that I'd have lots of time to sink myself deeper and deeper into the emotional hole I've been digging for myself since leaving home.

A Moment of Clarity

I didn't know what to do, so I went back to the office, got my room back along with commiserations from the sympathetic staff, and plonked my bag back on the bed. I figured I'd go back to my original plan for the day – trying to ring home before Christmas, when the telecentres would all be closed – so I wandered into the village and tried to call my parents and Peta. It took two hours and two telecentres to get absolutely nowhere (the lines were constantly engaged), so by lunchtime I was back in my room, wondering which god I'd managed to offend this time.