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India: James Bond in India

Sunday cricket on the green in front of St Francis' Church
Sunday cricket on the green in front of St Francis' Church wasn't the only terribly English entertainment in Kochi

A happy coincidence saw me bump into Sarah in the Indian Coffee House, whom I'd last seen in Kodaikanal. She'd rejoined her travelling partner Lisa, and I was doubly pleased because I wasn't that sure Kochi deserved another day of exploring, and a day loafing around with the two Brightonians felt a darn sight more interesting than photographing yet another colonial church.

1 For example, Bond is screwing his attractive Danish teacher when Moneypenny rings him up on his mobile; when he eventually finds the thing and answers it, he says he's 'brushing up on a little Danish', and Moneypenny tells him to pull it out pronto and save the world again with the words 'you always were a cunning linguist, James.' It's an old joke and, if you ask me, a little contrived, but I guess that's James Bond for you.