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India: Mysore

Mysore Palace
The opulent Mysore Palace

I really wanted to like Mysore, but I didn't, not because there was anything wrong with Mysore itself, but because I was completely shattered by the nightmare bus journey from Kochi. One thing that doesn't get more pleasant with experience is the overnight journey, and the bus that I picked for the ten-hour trip to Mysore was old, crappy and noisy, and had to bounce along some of the most pothole-ridden excuses for highways that I've ever seen. I was to find out later that in India, Valium is almost irresponsibly cheap and can normally be bought over the counter from any chemist with a sympathetic ear, but ignorant of this handy tip, I unfortunately managed to stay awake for every minute of the juddering journey.

Mark and a bodyguard
Posing with one of the Maharaja's bodyguards
The Maharaja's private temple
The Maharaja's private temple
Mysore Market
Mysore Market