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Nicaragua: Volcán Telica

Interesting skies on the ascent from the north
Interesting skies on the ascent from the north

If you like volcanoes, as I do, and you like walking, as I do, then it's hard to visit the area around León without climbing at least one of the peaks in the nearby Maribios chain. The problem is choosing which one, as there are an awful lot of volcanoes along the spine of southern Nicaragua.

The crater rim
The crater rim
Mark approaching the rim with caution
Approaching the rim with caution
The view east along the Maribios chain of volcanoes
The view east along the Maribios chain of volcanoes
Mark overlooking the southern plains of Nicaragua, towards the Pacific
Overlooking the southern plains of Nicaragua, towards the Pacific
The hellish glow of lava 120m down in the middle of the crater
The hellish glow of lava 120m down in the middle of the crater